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Use the color printer
(Epson Stylus 900)
Hey guys, we've got a cool color printer that can -
1. print hires photo quality graphs and paper figures
2. print color slides
It's called penguin.
I. What you need
1. Your document
2. The right kind of paper; use:
a. Expensive Epson photo quality paper - RECOMMENDED
b. Inkjet 1440 dpi white paper (not as good as a.)
c. Inkjet overhead transparencies
Don't waste the printer for regular stuff. Lasers do a much
better job at low resolution. This baby is for photo quality
final figures and overheads.
II. What to do
If you use macintosh: Just print to the printer "penguin". Remember
to set the options to photo quality, highest resolution, 1440x1440.
If you use PC:
1. Print to "Epson Stylus 900", and generate a .prn file
(remember to set properties to hires, 1400x1400, photo quality, etc)
2. start->Run->Ftp
ftp> open penguin
username: (enter)
password: (enter)
ftp> binary
ftp> put myimagefile.prn
If you use Unix:
1. Generate a postscript file to print
2. Not-so-high Resolution:
3. For high resolution (see note)
i. > ps2pdf
ii. go to the PC (iii) or the mac (iii')
iii. ftp yourfile.pdf up to the PC.
iv. launch acrobat reader. Open yourfile.pdf. Select printer
Epson stylus 900. Set all options to highest resolution.
v. Print; generate imagefile yourfile.prn.
vi. ftp yourfile.prn to penguin (Follow instructions for PC above.
iii'. ftp yourfile.pdf to the mac
iv'. launch acrobat reader. open yourfile.pdf
choose epson printer on the chooser.
set all options to highest resolution. Print.
That's it. Enjoy!
Note I: Ghostscript.
It generates not-so-good-res images with the stc500XX.upp drivers.
The stc800XX.upp are not compatible with the stc900; I suspect
a deliberate foul play on the part of Epson. I wrote to the
German guy who wrote some of the stc800xx upp files and he replied
with a hacking program he uses to look at the content of the
prn files (looks like a lot of work) and also asked for stc900.prn
samples. Perhaps in a few months somebody (hint, hint) will write
the right driver for Ghostscript.
Note 2: PC network printing
I wasn't able to have Win98 see the printer; I tried everything!
The only solution was to generate a .prn file and send over to
the printer using ftp. You're encouraged to solve this problem