Coevolving the "Ideal" Trainer

Description of the Problem

One-dimensional Cellular Automata

A one-dimensional cellular automaton (CA) is a linear wrap-around array composed of N cells in which each cell can take one out of k possible states. A rule is defined for each cell in order to update its state. This rule determines the next state of a cell given its current state and the state of cells in a predefined neighborhood. For the model discussed in this proposal, this neighborhood is composed of cells whose distance is at most r from the central cell. This operation is performed synchronously for all the cells in the CA. For the work presented in this proposal, the state of cells is binary (k = 2), N = 149 and r = 3. This means that the size of the rule space is 2^{2^{2 * r + 1}} = 2^{128}.

Cellular automata have been studied widely as they represent one of the simplest systems in which complex emergent behaviors can be observed. This model is very attractive as a means to study complex systems in nature. Indeed, the evolution of such systems is ruled by simple, locally-interacting components which result in the emergence of global, coordinated activity.

The Majority Function

The task consists in discovering a rule for the one-dimensional CA which implements the majority function as accurately as possible. This is a density classification task, for which one wants the state of the cells of the CA to relax to all 0's or 1's depending on the density of the initial configuration (IC) of the CA, within a maximum of M time steps. Following [Mitchell et al., 1994], $\rho_c$ denotes the threshold for the classification task (here, $\rho_c = 1/2$), $\rho$ denotes the density of 1's in a configuration and $\rho_0$ denotes the density of 1's in the initial configuration. Figure 1 presents two examples of the space-time evolution of a CA with $\rho_0 < \rho_c$ on the left and $\rho_0 > \rho_c$ on the right. The initial configuration is at the top of the diagram and the evolution in time of the different configurations is represented downward.

Figure 1: Two space-time diagrams describing the evolution of CA states.

The task $\rho_c = 1/2$ is known to be difficult. In particular, it has been proven that no rule exists that will result in the CA relaxing to the correct state for all possible ICs [Land & Belew, 1995]. Indeed, the density is a global property of the initial configuration while individual cells of the CA have access to local information only. Discovering a rule that will display the appropriate computation by the CA with the highest accuracy is a challenge, and the upper limit for this accuracy is still unknown. Table 1 describes the performance for that task for different published rules and different values of N along with a new best rule discovered using the coevolutionary approach presented in this document.

table 1: Performance of different published CA rules and the new best rule discovered by coevolution for the majority function.

N 149 599 999
Coevolution 0.863 +/- 0.001 0.822 +/- 0.001 0.804 +/- 0.001
Das rule 0.823 +/- 0.001 0.778 +/- 0.001 0.764 +/- 0.001
ABK rule 0.824 +/- 0.001 0.764 +/- 0.001 0.730 +/- 0.001
GKL rule 0.815 +/- 0.001 0.773 +/- 0.001 0.759 +/- 0.001

The Gacs-Kurdyumov-Levin (GKL) rule was designed in 1978 for a different goal than the $\rho_c = 1/2$ task [Mitchell et al., 1994]. However, for a while it provided the best known performance. [Mitchell et al., 1994] and [Das et al., 1994] used Genetic Algorithms (GAs) to explore the space of rules. This work resulted in an analysis of some of the complex behaviors exhibited by CAs using ``particles''. The GKL and Das rules are human-written while the Andre-Bennett-Koza (ABK) rule has been discovered using the Genetic Programming paradigm [Andre et al., 1996].

Learning in a Fixed Environment: Evolution

Learning in an Adapting Environment: Coevolution

The idea of using coevolution in search was introduced by [Hillis, 1992]. In his work, a population of parasites coevolves with a population of sorters. The goal of parasites is to exploit weaknesses of sorters by discovering input vectors that sorters cannot solve correctly while sorters evolve strategies to become perfect sorting networks.

In coevolution, individuals are evaluated with respect to other individuals instead of a fixed environment (or landscape). As a result, agents adapt in response to other agents' behavior.
For the work presented in this document, I will define coevolutionary learning as a learning procedure involving the coevolution of two populations: a population of learners and a population of problems. Moreover, the fitness of an individual in a population is defined only with respect to members of the other population. Two cases can be considered in such a framework, depending on whether the two populations benefit from each other or whether they have different interests (i.e., if they are in conflict). Those two modes of interaction are called cooperative and competitive respectively.
In the following paragraphs, those modes of interaction are described experimentally in order to stress the different issues related to coevolutionary learning.

Coevolving the "Ideal" Trainer

The central idea of the coevolutionary learning approach consists in exposing learners to problems that are just beyond those they know how to solve. By maintaining this constant pressure towards slightly more difficult problems, a arms race among learners is induced such that learners that adapt better have an evolutionary advantage. The underlying heuristic implemented by this arms race is that {\em adaptability} is the driving force for improvement. In order to achieve this result, our system tries to satisfy the following two goals: The difficulty resides in the accurate implementation of those concepts in a search algorithm.

Experimental Results

It is believed, that ICs become more and more difficult to classify correctly as their density gets closer to the $\rho_c$ threshold. Therefore, our idea is to construct a framework that adapts the distribution of the density for the population of ICs as CA-rules are getting better to solve the task. The following definition for the fitness of rules and ICs has been used to achieve this goal:




This definition implements the competitive relationship with resource sharing. However, a new component, namely $E(R_i, \rho(IC_j))$, has been added in the definition of the ICs' fitness. The purpose of this new component is to give a low payoff to IC_j if ICs with density $\rho(IC_j)$ return little information with respect to the rule R_i. We consider that information is collected if rule R_i does better or worse than random guessing over ICs with density $\rho(IC_j)$ (that is, R_i covers strictly more or strictly less than 50% of those ICs). Following this idea, we defined E() as the complement of the entropy of the outcome between a rule and ICs with a given density:

where: p is the probability that an IC with density $\rho(IC_j)$ defeats the rule R_i and q = 1 - p.

Figures 7 and 8 describe the evolution of the density of rules and ICs for two runs. It can be seen that, as rules improve, the density of ICs is distributed on two peaks on each side of $\rho = 1/2$. In the case of figure 7, it is only after 1,300 generations that a significant improvement is observed for rules. It is only at that time that the population of ICs adapts dramatically in order to propose more challenging initial configurations.

Figure 7: Evolution of the distribution of the density of rules (left) and the density of ICs (right) over time.

Figure 8: Evolution of the distribution of the density of rules (left) and the density of ICs (right) over time.

Download our papers about this work:

Coevolutionary Learning: a Case Study (with J. B. Pollack), Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-98) , Madison, Wisconsin, USA, July 24-26, 1998, to appear.

Coevolving the ``Ideal'' Trainer: Application to the Discovery of Cellular Automata Rules (with J. B. Pollack), Proceedings of the Third Annual Genetic Programming Conference (GP-98) , Madison, Wisconsin, USA, July 22-25, 1998, to appear.


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[Cliff & Miller, 1995] Cliff, D. & Miller, G. F. (1995). Tracking the red queen: Measurements of adaptive progres in co-evolutionary simulations. In the Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Artificial Life, pp. 200-218. Springer-Verlag. LNCS 929.

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[Hillis, 1992] Hillis, W. D. (1992). Co-evolving parasites improves simulated evolution as an optimization procedure. In Langton, C. et al. (Eds), Artificial Life II, pp. 313-324. Addison Wesley.

[Juillé & Pollack, 1996] Juillé, H. & Pollack, J.B. (1996). Co-evolving intertwined spirals. In Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference on Evolutionary Programming, pp. 461-468. MIT Press.

[Land & Belew, 1995] Land, M. & Belew, R. K. (1995). No perfect two-state cellular automata for density classification exists. Physical Review Letters, 74(25):1548-1550.

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