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Creating One to One Learning opportunities across the Internet

DEMO Lab at
Brandeis University's Computer Science Department,

Educational Technology Projects



Spelling Bee


Humans learn most efficiently in small groups with teachers who find each student's "Zone of Proximal Development." It is not economic to reduce the student/teacher ratio in the public school classroom.

Intelligent tutoring systems were based on an untenable assumption that a computer program could model the human mind. We are developing a new kind of networked anytime learning system, using adaptive computation, which enables appropriate one to one human interactions sheilded by and facilitated on the Internet.

Just list agents in a market can trade without a central governor, and biological systems can evolve without a designer, groups of learners can often progress without a teacher. Using students as each others's mentors across the internet is now possible and may lead to dramatic improvements in the economy of learning.

Paradigm for One-to-One Learning

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Jordan Pollack, Associate Professor (pollack@cs.brandeis.edu)
Elizabeth Sklar, Assistant Professor (sklar@cs.bc.edu)
Anthony Bucci, Graduate Student (abucci@cs.brandeis.edu)
Ann Marion, Project Manager (amarion@cs.brandeis.edu)
Computer Science Department
Brandeis University
Waltham MA 02454-9110 USA


The web site for Educational Technologies is http://www.demo.cs.brandeis.edu/edtech - please visit us!