Posted by jordan on October 18, 1999 at 23:32:34:
inspired by whitney's godspell teaser, here is the
song i mentioned on day one. The other is hidden under
a link at
if anyone can figure out how to stitch this together
and set it to music, i'll bring you into joint
tenancy on the copyright!
Hail to the power
Hail to the power
Hail to the power
you are love
AOL all over loss
MSN modern sexy new
WWW-wild women world
ORG organisms are great
COM come over momma
EDU-everybody download us
IBM inside broadcast media
ive been moved
GTE get together everyday
general technology exchange
ATT always tied together
BBN bad boy network
GIF god is fear
JPG justice peace grass
AVI access venus inside
MPG More Powerful God
MP3 Music profit free
CPU cosmic power user
QT cutie
MB mystery babe
GB georgeus babe
KB Killer babe
WAV way amplified volume
AU audio unification
WIPO We invade people online
SPA Sensual Prosecution Attorney
IANA i am not alone
html hi tech meta love
ip in passion