Coevolution and Theory


A Game-Theoretic Investigation of Selection Methods in Evolutionary Algorithms

The replicator equation used in evolutionary game theory (EGT) assumes that strategies reproduce in direct proportion to their payoffs; this is akin to the use of fitness-proportionate selection in an evolutionary algorithm (EA). In this paper, we investigate how various other selection methods comonly used in EAs can affect the discrete-time dynamics of EGT. In particular, we show that the existence of evolutionary stable strategies (ESS) is sensitive to the selection method used. Rather than maintain the dynamics and equilibria of EGT, the selection methods we test impose a fixed-point dynamic virtually unrelated to the payoffs of the game matrix, give limit cycles, or induce chaos. These results are significant to the field of evolutionary computation because EGT can be understood as a coevolutionary algorithm operating under ideal conditions: an infinite population, noiseless payoffs, and complete knowledge of the phenotype space. Thus, certain selection methods, which may operate effectively in simple evolution, are pathological in an ideal-world coevolutionary algorithm, and therefore dubious under real-world conditions.

Symbiosis and its Role in Evolutionary Adaptation

Our investigations concern the role of symbiosis as an enabling mechanism in evolutionary adaptation. Biological evidence suggests that symbiosis has been a critical factor in several 'major transitions in evolution'. "Symbiogenesis" is the genesis of new species via the genetic integration of symbionts. This combination of pre-adapted parts is a fundamentally different source of evolutionary innovation from the Darwinian, gradual accumulation of 'blind' variations. Though the fact of symbiogenesis in the natural history of evolution is established, the role of symbiosis is not yet integrated into our theories of adaptation. In fact, mutually benefitial relationships are generally treated as a curio - an aberration on the otherwise relentless path of mutually exclusive competition. Our research attempts to understand when and how symbiosis will be significant in evolutionary adaptation, and to provide a coherent model of evolutionary adaptation that explains the balance between individualism and higher-levels of selection.

Coevolving the "Ideal" Trainer

Coevolution provides a framework to implement search heuristics that are more elaborate than those driving the exploration of the state space in canonical evolutionary systems. However, some drawbacks have also to be overcome in order to ensure continuous progress on the long term. This project introduces the concept of coevolutionary learning and presents a search procedure which successfully addresses the underlying impediments in coevolutionary search. This algorithm is presented in the context of the evolving cellular automata rules for a classification task. This work resulted in a significant improvement over previously known best rules for this task.

Internet Online Genetic Algorithms

Genetic programming is a computer learning method that imitates nature's selection process to lead a population of computer programs towards improving levels of performance.

Tron is a dynamic game, difficult for computers to learn. Playing against itself a computer might believe that is doing a good job when it is not, because it lacks a parameter (ie, a really good player) to compare.

In this experiment, we have put a genetic learning algorithm online. A "background" GA generates players by having the computer play itself. A "foreground" GA leads the evolutionary process, evaluating players by their performance against real people.

Learning Backgammon

Following Tesauro's work on TD-Gammon, we used simple hill-climbing in a 4000 parameter feed-forward network to develop a competitive backgammon evolution function. No back-propagation, reinforcement or temporal difference learning methods were employed. Instead we start with an initial champion of all zero weights and proceed simply by playing the current champion network against a slightly mutated challenger and changing weights when the challenger wins. The success of so simple a learning method indicates backgammon deserves further study as to why hard learning is so successful in this domain.

Coevolutionary Genetic Programming

Using a competitive fitness, we were able to evolve an elegant solution to the intertwined spirals problem. This function uses 52 GP primitives and breaks the plane into two subproblems which combine to form a spiral. You can play with a live matlab demo of this work!

Evolution of Machines: The Golem Project

In the Golem project (Genetically Organized Lifelike Electro Mechanics) we conducted a set of experiments in which simple electro-mechanical systems evolved from scratch to yield physical locomoting machines. Like biological lifeforms whose structure and function exploit the behaviors afforded by their own chemical and mechanical medium, our evolved creatures take advantage of the nature of their own medium - thermoplastic, motors, and artificial neurons. We thus achieve autonomy of design and construction using evolution in a limited universe physical simulation, coupled to off-the-shelf rapid manufacturing technology. This is the first time robots have been robotically designed and robotically fabricated.

Coevolutionary dynamics in a minimal substrate - 'number games'

One of the central difficulties of coevolutionary methods arises from "intransitive superiority" - in a two-player game, for example, the fact that A beats B, and B beats C, does not exclude the possibility that C beats A. Such cyclic superiority in a coevolutionary substrate is hypothesized to cause cycles in the dynamics of the population such that it "chases its own tail" - traveling through some part of strategy space more than once despite apparent improvement with each step. It is often difficult to know whether an application domain contains such difficulties and to verify this hypothesis in the failure of a given coevolutionary set-up. In this work we elucidate some of the issues and concepts in an abstract domain where the dynamics of coevolution can be studied simply and directly.
We define three simple "number games" that illustrate intransitive superiority and resultant oscillatory dynamics, as well as some other relevant concepts. These include the distinction between a player"s perceived performance and performance with respect to an external metric, and the significance of strategies with a multi-dimensional nature. These features alone can also cause oscillatory behavior and coevolutionary failure.

