From this page you can modify or delete previous postings. Be careful!
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Java plugin for Mozilla/Firefox on lab Linux machine
Must Know
Lab forum and mailing list
All papers published by DEMO people. Your papers should be here! See how-to's
below to learn how to post.
The internal Wiki of the Demo Lab.This Wiki is meant to be a collaborative collective compendium of DEMO Lab knowledge.
Speaking turns, dates and times
Other lists of conferences:
References & Bibliography
Lots of software
Online search of periodicals, proceedings, books.
mathematical software, papers, and databases.
Books in our own Library
Online search of Brandeis libraries. Also from Brandeis libraries:
WorldCat (a catalog of most books ever published)
Science Citation Index
INSPEC contains abstracts of many scientific publications
(from library terminals only)
Electronic Journals @ Brandeis Library
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How to work on shared projects
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(Epson Stylus 900)
add projects and papers!
Login to DEMO and cd to:
/var/spool/ftp/pub and dump whatever it is you want people to FTP.
on the poster printer
also here's how to
configure xemacs to edit matlab code
The bulletin board mailing list is used also by the paper server (DEMONSTRA).
this page is separate. Add your address if you want
how to use the dds-4
Use the command booklpr instead of lpr to print in book format.
In more detail
Here are some useful links (and links to links) for writing
your PhD thesis, and being a grad student in general. I particularly found this link useful in focusing the writing.
Frame Maker for linux dies out forever on 12/31/00. Use something else!
A windows version of maker shall be available for rescue of old documents.
Should we have an official word processor?
new!! info for helen cd-burner
how to change the list of people that receive emails from the demoboard@cs bulletin board.
demoboard recipients
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Source Code
The ModSAF battlefield simulation (about 64 megabytes compressed).
Reports and Essays
Manuals & Documentation
Logs & Logfiles
to read this file, download it and use any mail reader.
MSWord, MSPowerpoint, pdf, ps, text, tiff, etc.
pdf, ps, text, etc.
Tunak Tunak Tan
Software Installed
Office suite semi-compatible with microsoft office.
Lets you read&write word and excel documents (sometimes)
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A symbolic math tool
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An SQL database system.
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Other random things on the bin directories:
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generate cool html versions of your latex docs
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Word Processor for Unix and PC. Generates latex but is screen oriented.
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